Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Free Ad Space - Giveaway!

It's the best time of the blogging year - it's a free ad space giveaway!  Now, technically, this happens a few times a year, but if you are a blogger you'll want in on this action.

This time, I am teaming up with 17 other bloggers to giveaway a total of twenty-three (that's right, TWENTY-THREE) ad spaces!  That means that 23 lucky readers will walk away with FREE ad space, no strings attached!  The spaces being given away range from 200x200 spots to in-post ads, and are from bloggers you've all heard of and love!  

Ad Space Giveaway - The So-Called Homemaker
The rules are pretty simple: 1. Open to everyone, including our out-of-country friends! 2. All entries will be verified. Although we are saving you some time by not asking for your username for Instagram, Bloglovin', etc., your entry will be verified before you can be declared a winner. If one of your entries cannot be verified, you will be disqualified completely! 3. One ad space per winner...that means there will be a total of 23 unique winners from this giveaway! Enter below and best of luck to you all!

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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