Thursday, July 9, 2015

To My Sweet A

My Lovely A,

Before I had babies, everyone used to tell me that "time flies by" with young children.  I always used to nod my head and say "it sure does!", all while thinking that I had all the time in the world with you.

Today is your second birthday.  And I can remember that day like it was yesterday.  You were ten days late, and I remember thinking how ready I was to meet you, even though you had no plans to grace us with your presence yet.  Looking back, I wish I would have enjoyed my pregnancy with you more and let you come on your own, as it was probably my last.  When you were born, my heart swelled to a level I didn't know was possible - the second you looked in to my eyes, I knew we were meant to be together.  

Since then, you have grown in to quite the toddler.  The love and admiration you have for your older sister is just amazing.  Everything she does or says, you do too (or at least try!).  You have a serious obsession with books and reading, and it amazes me how long you can sit and flip through a story - never lose that!  When you aren't busy "reading", you can have sort of a sass to you.  I'll let you in on a little something - I secretly love that sass - and you somehow know when to pair it with your sweetness that almost always gets your Daddy and I to do whatever it is you want.  I probably shouldn't admit that, but by the time you read this, you'll have figured that out on your own! 

This year brings a lot of huge changes for our family, none of which you will probably remember when you are older, but I know you will take them with a huge toothy smile on your face.  Always, always remember how much you are loved.  I promise to cherish every moment I have with you, because they were right - time is flying by.

Happy Second Birthday A!

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