Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Blogging A-Z: B is for Bloglovin'

Back when I was brainstorming things for each letter, Bloglovin' was an obvious choice.  I love how you can customize how it is organized and log on to read all of your favorite blogs.  That is, unless, it has decided not to work properly.  More than often than not lately, some of my daily reads haven't been showing up in my feed.  With that said, however, when Bloglovin' works properly, it works wonderfully.

Not only do I like to use Bloglovin' to read new posts, but I like to use it to organize my sponsors from my daily reads, to all other blogs I follow.  I have three separate categories - "Sponsors", "Daily Reads", "Blogs I Follow".  Obviously Sponsors and Daily Reads get read before the others.  Today I'll show you how to do this.

First, go to your profile and select "Edit blogs you follow":

Once here, you can create new groups and change the group that each of the blogs you follow is in:

That's really it.  Then when you log in each morning (or whenever you do your reading!), you can start with whichever group you'd like.

Another way I use Bloglovin' is for Blogger Love, the weekly link up I host.  I keep track of the posts I like with the "favorite" button in Bloglovin', but also save other posts for various reasons - part of a giveaway, something to go back to at a later time, etc.  In Bloglovin, you can create different "favorite" groupings.

Under your profile, you can create a collection.  For now, I have two - "Saved" and "Favorites" - which is the one I use for Blogger Love.  Then, each Thursday I can quickly go to that collection and pick out the favorites from the week.

How do you use Bloglovin'?  Or, have you completely given up on it? 
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