Thursday, August 27, 2015

Not Like the Rest of Them

I'm sure you all have had your Facebook feed overloaded with littles all dressed up in their cute back to school outfits - with or  without a sign exclaiming it was the first day of school, right?  I like to see these pictures, and for the third year, E took one herself.

This year, however, was a bit different.  Not only did we move five states away and attending a new school full of new people, but she was going to a "big girl" school - Kindergarten!  I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous - but you might be surprised as to why.

A week before school, the PTA hosted a playdate for all incoming kindergarteners.  As E was running around, I started talking to another Mom.  A few minutes in, she said "Isn't it crazy they are going to Kindergarten?  I'm not ready for her to grow up - she still needs me!".  I was a little taken back.  Sure, the thought of my girls growing older hurts a bit, but it doesn't make me sad! 

I am excited for her.  She is making new friends, learning new things, growing independent.  She is learning invaluable social skills - all things I could never teach her at home on my own.  She comes home excited about her day; filled with computer time, coloring, spelling, and of course, recess. 

So, while I witnessed a lot of moms crying while leaving the school Monday, I on the other hand, was smiling. 

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